Ensure outlandishly fast web site loading speeds for your visitors from Britain, the rest of Europe and Africa

Our company gives you the possibility to host your websites and web applications in an ultra–modern datacenter outside Coventry, UK. This location will make your European–oriented web sites load much faster than if they’re hosted in the United States, for instance. The UK Servers datacenter provides perfect hosting conditions and is staffed 24/7 by professional administrators who give their very best to assure a 99.9% server uptime.

You’re able to host all types of sites in the datacenter in UK – from family web pages and small–business sites to high–demand online photo galleries and commercial sites. You’ll find a vast variety of web hosting packages to pick from for your personal sites. All packages are backed up by a 30–day money–back guarantee and a 24/7/365 client support service. The datacenter in UK facility can be found on the signup page, right after the web hosting plan pull–down menu.

UK Based VPS Servers

If you need even more power beneath the hood, we have very good news for you. Apart from web hosting packages, in our UK datacenter you’ll also find UK Based VPS Servers solutions. All Virtual Private Servers in the UK datacenter offer a 99.9% network uptime guarantee and are backed up by a 24–7–365 client care service. With every Virtual Private Server, you are able to pick your preferred Linux distribution (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS) and hosting Control Panel (cPanel, Hepsia, DirectAdmin).