Improving your web sites could often be difficult considering that you will need to alter your program code significantly to ensure your sites perform quicker. Nonetheless, you can boost your website’s effectiveness, without needing to adjust anything in the background. Through the help of the Website Accelerator Applications, built into the Web Hosting Control Panel, you can help your websites come up and perform a lot faster than ever before. This will not just benefit your users (everyone loves the site they are visiting to work fast), but will in addition help your site get better rankings in search engines.

Dealing with the Website Accelerator Applications is actually straightforward. Simply go to the Web Hosting Control Panel and discover exactly how each web accelerator instrument functions.


RAM–memorizing as a substitute for data base queries

Should you have a lively database–driven website or web application, it could have issues running swiftly for the site visitors because of the different requests sent to the data base. To help you eliminate the web–page loading trouble, we’ve incorporated the Memcached tool inside the Web Hosting Control Panel.

Memcached is really a powerful distributed memory caching platform, which caches information and also objects in the server’s RAM to prevent the database from being asked whenever a visitor opens a particular page. By doing this, your website pages will start sooner for customers and will definitely boost the chance for them to return.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–saving as an alternative to HTTP requests

While using the Varnish web accelerator integrated into our Web Hosting Control Panel, you can easily make your website web pages stream better for your visitors. All adjustments are carried out through an uncomplicated interface, with no need to make any kind of immediate alterations to the program code of the web site.

Varnish is an HTTP acceleration application that can help all web pages run more rapidly by saving them in the server memory. In this way, after a webpage has already been opened up by a visitor one time, it won’t have to be brought by the hosting server any further, which generally minimizes loading time and also speeds up your web pages. It has been tested that Varnish typically enhances website loading times with a 300 – 1000x factor.

Hepsia File Manager


For the purpose of building fast and also flexible applications

Web programmers can use Node.js for the purpose of building different high–quality and economical applications including market measurement platforms, live applications and CMS, to mention a few. It’s truly quick and adaptable and is also supported by an energetic online community that is continuously enhancing and sustaining it.

Node.js is based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and also uses an event–based, non–blocking I/O model that makes its API adaptive and upgradeable. This kind of revolutionary system allows for coders to quickly create powerful apps by using only just one language.

Hepsia File Manager